In our “Real Wishes - Real Stories” section, Barbara wrote about how her good deeds practice began. This week, in our “Basics” section, she expands on that story with the “how-to” of a good deeds practice.
Whenever someone recommends a strategy, I am always looking for the “steps” - the process to do what they are recommending. In the case of good deeds, I realized I was taking three steps between “thought” and “deed” by answering these three questions:
1) Can I do it? For example, in my story about the truck with its tailgate open, could I safely move around to the side of the truck in traffic?
2) What is the possible impact if I don’t do it? For example, in my story about the young woman who was debating whether she should keep her kids or place them in foster care, if I didn't speak up, she might not have had the support she needed to keep her kids with her.
3) How do I want to feel at the end of the day? If I didn’t tell the truck driver his tailgate was open, and I spent the rest of the day imagining him losing his goods, I would feel awful.
Good deeds are the platform on which I tune up my emotional vibration to match the positive outcomes of my wishes. We highly recommend you consider starting a good deeds practice of your own. Just notice every day if you've done a good deed, or if an opportunity presents itself to do one, do you take it?
It's also worth tying this into gratitude practices. Be grateful for the opportunity to do a good deed every day. Even if you are working at home and don't go out in the world where there are so many opportunities for good deeds, you may get the chance to thank someone in an email or on a phone call. You may be able to tell someone how much you appreciate something they did or said. Or maybe you make a donation to a good cause.
With all the need in the world right now (and always), we would like to direct your attention to CharityNavigator and GuideStar as two resources to help you vet fundraisers. Sadly, there are far too many people willing to take your money and “redirect” it from the good cause you think you are supporting. These two organizations take a lot of the risk out of making donations by rating and reviewing nonprofits.
We are not the only ones, though, who have noticed the importance and value of good deeds! We love “1000 LifeHacks” for fun and functional ideas. The March 7, 2022, daily email had this to say:
“Well it's Monday yet again, and the world is getting kind of crazy these days. Many people are burned out, frustrated, and very stressed, all over the world. The best thing you can do is try to not pile on more. Compliment someone. Merge over and let someone pass in traffic. Small things like this can add up to a less stressed world. We all need a break.”
The possibilities for good deeds are limitless. We would love it if you contacted us and shared any experiences you’ve had with good deeds or if anything connected with you in this post.
Next week, in our “ABCs of Wishing” section, our post will be brought to you by the letter “H” for hope!
Until then,
Peace and All Good
Margie and Barbara
The Wish Mavens
Photo Credit
The photo featured in this post was taken by (and is copyrighted by) Margaret A. Herrick.