My wish - "I want to make wishing credible."
Status of my wish - "It’s happening!"
In my bio, I described how I naturally developed a “wishing” perspective. This was not necessarily the attitude of many, particularly the adults in my life. In middle class families, like mine, one worked for what they wanted and worked hard for it. As a Catholic, it was OK to pray for things I wanted, but mostly it was OK to pray for things that were good for the larger community.
I kept to my own counsel while putting out to the Universe requests big and small. I started to notice, with glee, when little miracles of wish fulfillment would happen, but I usually kept them to myself. On the occasions I tried to share my wish beliefs, I was usually rebuffed and even told that it was a bit selfish to wish for myself.
The years passed and I began reading about the Theory of Abundance, the Laws of Attraction, the Power of Positive Thinking and many similar philosophies. All of which made sense and affirmed my life’s experiences. These are among many accepted teachings to approach fulfillment and abundance in today’s culture, but the concept of “wishing” - per se - remains relegated by many as something a child may play at. It’s not a practice someone should engage in, especially if they want to attract fulfillment in their life.
Here is why I want to make wishing credible. Wishing is a joyful acceptance that we are deserving as ourselves - not as someone’s spouse, mother, or friend - to have what brings our heart fulfillment. I know that it works and I believe that everyone should have access, if they choose.
Wishing is a hybrid experience of understanding what it is you want in your life, accepting that you are worthy of it, and returning to the trust you had as a child.
Photo Credit
The photo featured in this post was taken by (and is copyrighted by) Margaret A. Herrick.