Hi! We are the Wish Mavens!
The first time we really worked together was at a “Thinking At the Edge” Seminar held in Massachusetts a number of years back. “Thinking At the Edge” is a practice Dr. Eugene Gendlin developed as a way for someone to give a voice to their inner wisdom. We were both learning this new technique. There was something about the way we worked together that really clicked. It was uniquely productive!
We met again after that at The Focusing Institute Summer Schools in New York State. From there our friendship flourished, not just personally, but professionally, as we began collaborating on multiple projects, including our groundbreaking process “Thinking at Multiple Edges”. This is a technique we developed to help leaders and board members tap into the unique skills and strengths of stakeholders involved in an organization, creating a whole that exceeds the sum of the parts.
In 2018, we realized we had in our own separate ways been pursuing a life practice of fulfilling our hearts’ desires - bringing things into our lives through wish work. We started working on our wishes together, and quickly decided to create a method for sharing this work with others. This is the reason we started this blog.

© Margaret A. Herrick
Not only business partners, but great friends!
From left to right Barbara Dickinson, Margie Herrick, and their publisher, Lisa Hodorovych, who owns Quoth the Writer, L.L.C.
The Creators

© Margaret A. Herrick
Margie Herrick
Midway through the last millennium I was born into a middle-class Catholic family in Baltimore, Maryland; a hardscrabble town with fierce sports loyalties. This dual culture of faith and fandom gave me a lens to view a world where there was magic and mystery and miracles and the impossible was in fact possible.
I remember from early childhood knowing that life was not always as rigid and proscribed as it seemed, so I bravely gave myself permission to dream and wish for more. As a result, people, opportunities, and experiences have come into my life and continue to do so in ways that I couldn’t plan.
As I write this, the rhythm of the waves breaking outside my window and the raucous call of the gulls overhead offers a big exclamation point to the flow of my life as I have described it. The coastal home I share with my love of almost 50 years and Sandy Elvis, our 3-year-old yellow lab, provides the perfect medium for my growth and exploration.
I write poetry, do photography, and pursue a variety of community activities. Always being a seeker myself, I delight in the experience of helping others on their life’s journey. As a Shamanic Practitioner, I walk with others through magical places of healing and revelations and, now, I am excited to have the opportunity to bring joy, peace and fulfillment to our readers through our wish practice.
Barbara Dickinson
I hate writing about myself, but my co-author and publisher said I have to, so here it goes!
For a long time, I believed I was limited by what my scientific upbringing had to offer - facts, figures, natural laws, and what could be discerned by the five senses. But underneath that was a deeper belief in things magical.
As a child, I had a secret forest home I built out of sticks and leaves. I had a dream home I redecorated and re-arranged at will. I also read about dragons, all kinds of animals, sorcery, elves and fairies, and magical places. I dreamed of wielding a wand and making all my wishes come true. Then, I had to get a job and support myself, but those dreams never left me. Even though I got married, raised a family, worked at my job, and lived through some serious adult stressors, I never forgot about my dreams and wishes.
Now, I live in my dream home in New Jersey with my three perfectly magical creatures: Scout, the magnificent mixed breed canine, and Zen and Jasmine, the best felines I ever met. We look out over our own magical forest of evergreens and other trees on a meadow that brings us visitors of every stripe - neighbors, their dogs, foxes, birds, squirrels, and an occasional bear.
I love helping people make their wishes come true, whether it’s a more peaceful life, a better job, solutions to their thorny problems, or resources they need. I write, I dream, I sing, I study, I companion my elderly mother, and I watch my two sons grow and flourish.
In case you cannot tell, all of that represents hundreds - if not thousands - of wishes come true. I look forward to telling you more about how to wish in the posts of our blog.

© Barbara J. Dickinson